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What is Architecture ?
For me , i think it is a very subjective question . Different people have different point of view . A short question , but it can be answer and elaborate in thousands of word depending on one's perspective . But i found out a bit funny when others , starts to think architecture is just about 'drawings' and 'buildings' .
There's few times that i experienced this kind of conversation :
Friend : Eh , kau belajar apa ?
Me : Architecture :)
Friend : Ooo , mesti banyak lukis lukis bangunan je kan .
Me : -_____-"
*betul tak Abdul Qayyum ? Haha .
In my opinion , Experience in Architecture is very important . A person can only defines the real architecture based on experience . And of course , like many others said , " Architecture Defines You " and i am totally agree with that . So as for me , after experiencing a 4semester as an architecture student , i have learned a little bit of what architecture . And hope to seek more in the many years to come . Insyaallah :)
What do i think about Architecture is , its definitely not just a building , drawings , plans . Its absolutely more than that . What i think is that , it is about a person experiencing the spaces that surrounding him/her . Its the mood created by the spaces , the experienced of a person walking from space to space is that matter . The functions , and the forms that suit the environment . Not only that , the color , texture , the lights , materials also matters .
A building that has great architecture should be only where it should be . What i mean is , imagine if the Eiffel tower is in Africa or in Brazil it is still gonna be famous like it is now . But the thought that it can actually be anywhere in the world , or let say , Suria Twin Tower were placed in Russia . It is definitely not right . What I'm trying to say is , the culture , the history , the lifestyle , the climate , the people , the music , the nature , the philosophy , the art , the soul of the surrounding which makes the Architecture in a particular place is special and unique .
What is the feeling of walking in the streets in Prague , In Alhambra , In Istanbul , In London , Paris , New York , Tokyo , Beijing , Bangkok , Kuala Lumpur . Each place have their own culture and identity . Architecture is absolutely have its own background . Where the DESIGN PROCESS that take place is very very important . Which i remembered what cik Amran said " The design process is the main important thing , whether the design is beautiful or not that comes later " . Not exactly , but something like that . Hehe . But , If the design process is excellent , of course the product of the design would be excellent too . Am i right ? :)
And i think that , we as an architecture should always find ways to travel around and see and observe things . " Jangan Pakai Spec OM " haha . I know money is going to be the problem since we are still studying and have no income , but why not start from your own hometown . and then around Malaysia ." Chaaay cakap je lebih " hehe . Tapi , cuba imagine , the whole studio pegi Rome , Florence , Venice , Beijing ke . Mesti best gila kan ?! :D
Anywaayy , in Architecure there is definitely no shortcut . Even the Great Architects have go through the process . Like people always said " You cant rush arts " . Have to do it with the feelings , the soul . No wonder cik Ros selalu cakap . " Kamu punya kerja ni takde soul lah . Minat ke tak minat ? " Haha . Not only all of those things , absolutely creativity and critical thinking plays an important role in the field . The creativity in using the design principles and elements . The capability to twist and turn the original idea . The capability of design something out of the box but it is still rationally , relevant and still can be done . That what makes Zaha hadid , Peter Einsenman , Frank Gehry and those other Architects are great . Ohh , if you guys have the chance check out Peter Eisenman - The city of culture . Tgk how does the designing process of the complex , where did the idea came from . Best best ;)
" Architecture lives within you " is absolutely true . You cant run from architecture , whether you are a fisherman , a barber , a dancer , a lawyer , a burger man , a king , or anyone you are . Everybody experience architecture , its just that whether they realise or the they dont . I hope it doesnt stop here . Hope to understand more about Architecture . because i wanna feel what is need to be feel . Haha :D
* Anyway , i heard that next year there's gonna be An Architectural Expo in Korea " EXPO 2012 Yeosu , Korea " . Jom kumpul duit and pegi ramai ramai nak ? :D For real .