Saturday, November 13, 2010


   Tri angga means " three parts " which is high , middle , and low .

     The 3 parts can be represented in the human body , building structures , town planning and the environment . Tri angga are practice by Balinese . * for me triangga is the concept in life which can be practice in various of scope

 The Tri Angga of Bali as whole place are divided into :

  • The high - sacred mountains which form a ridge from east to west through the center of the island .
  • The middle - is where most of the Balinese live ( the land ) .
  • The low -  is the sea .

   Tri Angga also can be represent as :

  • UTAMA -Things that are high or above . ie - Mountains , heaven , ancestor , roof , head . * All that pure and sacred .
  •  MADYA - Middle ground ; ie : Body , the land where people lives  .
  • Nista - Things are low & below ; ie : sea , hell & the deads . * impure & profane .

    This concept are similar to Buddhist principles . This is because in Bali it is high influence from Buddhism .

Borobudur .


Borobudur is Buddhist temple that was built on a hill . The whole structure is in the form of a lotus, the sacred flower of Buddha. It is the biggest temple in the world :O . Borobudur was built between the 760 to 825 AD . But was abandon during the conversion of religion for most Indonesian which is to Islam .

  Borobudur is made up of 9 platforms is consits 6square platform below , and 3 circular platforms on the upper side . These platforms are divided into 3 sections :

  • The base are called Kamadhatu ( the world of Desires )
  • The five platforms square are called Rupadhatu ( the world of Forms )
  • The 3 circular platforms are called Arupadhatu ( the world of Formless )

 Khamadhatu represents the base , also represents the normal life of humans which full of desires in their life . Where as , Rupadhatu represents the body of the Candi . And Arupadhatu represents the holiest section of the candi . These sections or level are purposely made to show the different steps in the process of finding the truth .

  The form or layout of Candi Borobudur are from the Buddhist mandala *refer to  the previous post
Borobudur consists of 72 numbers of Stupa and one large Stupa . The Stupa(s) are bell in shape which represents the body of the Buddha . These 72 stupas are located on the 3 circular platforms which encircled the one large stupa .

  • There are 32 stupas on the first circular platform .
  • 24 stupas on the second circular platform 
  • 16 Stupas on the third circular platform .

Inside of each 72 stupas consist of a Buddha statue . The stupas are made from perforated stones ( pierced by numerous openings ) . The Stupas that are on the first and second circular platform have diamond openings shape . But , for third platform the stupas have square opening shape . * Still wondering what is the symbol and purposes
The top most stupa , which the great stupa ; it is crowned by an octagonal pinnacle . It has no opening . The simplicity of its form contrats with the richness of the relief that are located in the platforms below .

The Buddha statues seems to be the seem if you look at first glance . The statues are different in their hand position which represents various states of meditation .

Borobudur contains individual bas reliefs which cover the facades and balustrades . The Narrative panels , are grouped into 11 series encircled the monument .

The base or Kamadhatu contains the first series with 160 narrative panels and the remaining 10 series are distributed throughout walls and balustrades in four galleries starting from the eastern entrance stairway to the left .

The bas reliefs on the wall are read from right to left . while on the balustrade it is read from left to right . This conforms with pradaksina ( ritual of circumambulation ) performed by the pilgrims who move in a clockwise direction .

                                                                               buddhist monks performing the ritual .

 I think thats it . Who wants to go to Borobudur ?! Lets plan a trip to Indon ! :D

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Mandala - Sacred Geometry & Arts .


What is Mandala ?

 A : Is a Geometric designs intended to symbolize the universe .

The word mandala itself is derived from the root manda , which means essence . As an image , a mandala may symbolize both the mind and the body of the Buddha . 

  Mandalas consist of an outer circular mandala and an inner square (or sometimes circular) mandala with an ornately decorated mandala palace placed at the center .

 In Buddhism the principle in the mandala is the presence of the Buddha in it , but images of deities are not necessary. They may be presented either as a wheel, a tree, or a jewel, or in any other symbolic manifestation.


         Generally the central deity may be : 

- Peaceful Deity 
- Wrathful Deity
- Sexual Imagery Deity

                                        Peaceful Deities .

 Peaceful Deities :

     Peaceful deity symbolizes its own particular existential and spiritual approach. 

For example ; 

  The image of Boddhisattva Avalokiteshvara symbolizes compassion as the central focus of the spiritual experience; 

 Manjushri takes wisdom as the central focus ;

 Vajrapani emphasizes the need for courage and strength in the quest for sacred knowledge .

                                                                                                                                                           Wrathful Deities

Wrathful Deities :

Wrathful deities suggest the mighty struggle involved in overcoming one's alienation. 
They embody all the inner afflictions which darken our thoughts , our words , and our deeds and which prohibit attainment of the Buddhist goal of full enlightenment. Traditionally, wrathful deities are understood to be aspects of benevolent principles, fearful only to those who perceive them as alien forces. When recognized as aspects of one's self and tamed by spiritual practice, they assume a purely benevolent guise.

                              Sexual Imagery

Sexual Imagery :

Wrathful deities suggest the mighty struggle involved in overcoming one's alienation. They embody all the inner afflictions which darken our thoughts, our words, and our deeds and which prohibit attainment of the Buddhist goal of full enlightenment. Traditionally, wrathful deities are understood to be aspects of benevolent principles, fearful only to those who perceive them as alien forces. When recognized as aspects of one's self and tamed by spiritual practice, they assume a purely benevolent guise.


  • White - Vairocana: The delusion of ignorance becomes the wisdom of reality.
  • Yellow - Ratnasambhava: The delusion of pride becomes the wisdom of sameness.
  • Red - Amitabha: The delusion of attachment becomes the wisdom of discernment.
  • Green - Amoghasiddhi: The delusion of jealousy becomes the wisdom of accomplishment.
  • Blue - Akshobhya: The delusion of anger becomes the mirror like wisdom.

 In the context of the Buddhist path the purpose of a mandala is to put an end to human suffering, to attain enlightenment and to attain a correct view of Reality

There are many more functions of Mandala ; Anyone care to share ? :)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Wat .

Wat Arun , Bangkok

What is wat ? :|

Wat simply means temple in the region of Cambodia , Thailand and Laos . In language of Khemer & Thai sometimes it refers of school . Which gives the meaning of a place for people to learn about religion and ofcourse a place to worship the gods .

Usually , Wat is a sacred place where the image or the statue of buddha were place . These places will be the place where you can find monks because , this is the place where they live . Ofcourse their living space and the sacred space will be isolated .

There are many types of Wat , Varies in form and space . But the common characteristic of Buddhist Wat are that :

  • They usually have conical or bell shape buidlings which normally known as stupa . This building usually contains the relics of Buddha
  • Meeting & Prayer room
  • a usually open square building with four arches and a pyramidal roof ; used to worship religious texts or objects .
  • pavilion for relaxation or miscellaneous activities
  • library " where Buddhist scriptures are kept "
The most common Wat that obviously everybody knows ;


  Angkor Wat  ;

Angkor Wat , Located In Angkor , Cambodia . 
   It is built as A Royal Temple , dedicated to Hindu Deity . Built under the ruling of King Suryavarman II . Some say that Angkor Wat was built as temple purposes since its architecture " space planning " points to temple . But because of its entrance is from the west , that it was built as a tomb . 

  Angkor Wat occupies a rectangular area about 500 acres & it is surrounded by a Moat (river / canal) . It is 213 feet tall , :O . Achieved by the 5 central towers standing on 3 layer of rectangular platforms.

Angkor Wat went through many religion beliefs .

Hindu God Shiva  >> Hindu God Shiva >> Mahayana Buddhist Deity .

Its Architecture :

 It is Heavily Influence By Indian Ideas . & as the symbol of Universe .
   The city was built around a central temple on a hill . Symbol as Mount Meru , The Home of Gods.
 The 5 Central tower of each temple represent the five peaks of the Mount Meru .
   The outer wall represents the mountains that believed to encircle cosmos .
The Huuuuuuuge Moats , have to 2 purposes :
        One , as symbols of the outer ocean of the universe
        Two , is to improved water control over the everyday usage & agriculture purposes.

 Characters Of Angkor Wat

 It have 3 level of platform which supports the five towers ( 4 at the corners & 1 in the middle ) . Each platform is progressively smaller and higher than the one below . The ingenious plan allows a view of all five towers only from certain angles . The overall profile imitates a lotus bud .

    Angkor wat temple is most famous for its Bas-reliefs . The bas-reliefs surround the first level of the temple . It covers the innermost wall of the first level on all four sides . The magnificent sandstone carvings points the rich heritage of the Khmer civilization .

Ok , thats it . I mean for now :) 

p/s : Hope to visit Angkor Wat . One day :))